Thursday, September 10, 2009

Homework Two!!

I interviewed my parents over the weekend and asked them a few questions. Not only did they answer the questions but they had video tapes to show me so I could see myself in action. According to their responses, the first five years of my life I was REALLY active and talkative (once I was of age to start . I love to I was polite, eager to learn and explore new things!! I loved to play with my baby dolls, jump rope with my twin sister and my mother. My unique characteristics was my enthusiasm. While growing up they really did not know what I was going to grow up to be but they said whatever career I chose I would be very good at it!! (I just found out what I really wanted to do with my life).


1.) Friend #1 (Tranaj Winfrey) said that my strengths were helping other people. Tranaj also said I am a very determined and hardworking people.
2.) Friend #2 (Jennifer Salther) said that my strengths were reading and writing.
3.) Friend #3 (Janart Winfrey)said that my strengths were solving problems and helping others. Janart said that I am a critical thinker
4.) Friend #4 (Janessa Larson) said that my strengths were listening and being compassionate as well as caring. I will listen to anyone's problems.
5.) Friend #5 (Cursheena) said that my strengths were being courageous. I was never afraid to be different and try new things.

My friends are very nice!!! LOL...

The thing I love doing the most is reading. I enjoy reading autobios, historic events, and surviving stories. I am very interesting in reading as well as learning things related to the domestic violence movement and sexual assaults issues. The most recent novel I read regarding these issues is titled the Surviving the Silence written by Charlotte Pierce-Baker. This novel included the stories of survivors and how they dealt with their emotions, families, friends, and even themselves after traumatic events. Reading books like these helps me understand and gives my a sensitive looks and perspective for these individuals. It also makes me want to be involved. In place of reading I watched videos on you tube that discussed these same issues and this gave me that exact same feeling. Being interested in this kind of work has encouraged me to become a rape crisis counselor. Rape crisis counseling is a very emotional and tough job to hold but it is very rewarding to know the individuals you have touched and gave hope to when they really needed it. working with survivors of sexual assaults has given me a sense a pride and a different outlook and life as a whole. Knowing that I am making a difference places a HUGE smile on my face.

Here are just a couples of videos I watched........please take a look.

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