Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reflecting on Leadership for change

The most important thing learned this semester is to stop limiting myself and do not be afraid to go afraid what you what regardless of what others may think..... go after what makes me happy!! Hard work never hurts anybody.

After reading my entire blogs I was amazed from the progresses I made, courage I have gained, and the things I have learned from experience and through readings. Along with being amazed I am frustrated as well due to the bumps I have came across in my journey. I have grown in so many ways due to this course in my personal life as well as my academic endeavors. My life as done a complete 360 from this course (I'm not gonna get too personal), but I can definitely say I am not the same Shakita when spring semester started. My perspective about a lot of things as changed and allowed me to shape the way I thought about things and issue regarding myself and life in general. Some activities I engaged in this semester that played a crucial role in shaping my cognition is stepping outside my comfort zone and reaching out to individuals that have accomplished the things I desire to accomplish in the future. Three things I enjoyed about Leadership for change is the novel All about Love, the panel, and the movies we watched during class. Three things I liked least about the class is the amount of time spent in class, the novel about leadership, and that is all. I can not think of a three items. At the moment I do not have any suggestions to improve the course. The design and curriculum of the course is perfect. Its is designed to force students to focus on themselves and the things that must be accomplished to reach their goals. If anything changes then the students experience my change and the experience is the most important things we must let with. So I think the class requirements should remain the same so we take away the appropraite lessons, motivation, and strive the achieve our dreams!!!

P.S I think my sister regrets not taking the course......(LOL)


  1. Tell your sister to take this course in the Fall 09. That way she can experience what you did, she too can be a Leader in her learning!
